2017 Townsend Welcome Aboard

Townsend Detachment hosted a Welcome Aboard Party for Marines newly assigned to the Air Force staff colleges aboard Maxwell Air Force base.

Twenty-seven members of the detachment along with 20 spouses and family members prepared and hosted the event, which included a picnic lunch, door prizes for the Marines, their wives and children, and games for the children.

Twenty-four active duty Marines and their wives and children attended the picnic. After introduction of all the ‘old timers’ and all the active duty Marines we proceeded to enjoy a hamburger and hot dog lunch. Door prizes were given out, with the big prize being a WEEKEND DEER Hunt for 4, sponsored by member Joe Dawkins.

Children participated in games to include a Police Call; Grenade Toss; a Flight School simulation and Water Cannon event.

Some of the highlights of the afternoon included photo booth for each family as they arrived, with the pictures subsequently being framed and returned to the families; recognition of two Townsend Marines who are leaving the area this month; introduction of the Oldest Marine present, 97-year-old Tommy Davis, Pearl Harbor survivor, Korean conflict and Vietnam War veteran.

This is an annual event, hosted by Townsend Detachment.
