Greater Montgomery Community Service

Townsend Detachment members joined with the Greater Montgomery community, WSFA TV, the Montgomery Area Food Bank, the Christmas Clearing House and The Marine Corps Reserve to collect food, toys and money to benefit those families needing a little help this Christmas. {gallery}gallery/2016/2016-montgomery-community-service{/gallery}

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2016 Townsend MCL Christmas Party

Townsend Detachment sponsored a Christmas party and invited guests from the Maxwell Schools, LIMA Company USMCR, and the greater Montgomery area USMC Recruiting staff. Chick fil A donated chicken trays, and individual members brought other finger food items. {gallery}gallery/2016/2016-townsend-christmas-party{/gallery}

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Townsend Detachment Toys for Tots Campaign

Townsend Detachment supports the local Toys for Tots campaign by collecting toys at Maxwell Air Force Base BX at Christmas Time. The toys are then distributed to the local community by LIMA company, the Montgomery area USMCR unit. {gallery}gallery/2016/2016-townsend-toys-for-tots{/gallery}

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2016 Marine Corps Birthday Ball

Members of the Townsend Detachment joined with Marines stationed at Maxwell AFB to celebrate the 241st USMC Birthday Ball.    Detachment member, retired Gunnery Sergeant Warren Mitchell, 25 year service, who served at the Chosin Reservoir, stood as the oldest Marine present.  Other members and their spouses enjoyed the evenings events. {gallery}gallery/2016/2016-mcl-birthday-ball{/gallery}

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